Get multiparty interviewers
Calling the /interview/mp_list_interviewers
endpoint with query params:
Key | Description |
OID | Candidate Id |
interview_type | Type of the interview |
jobloc_id | JobLoc Id |
load_joblocs | Flag indicates get locations |
load_rr_groups | Flag indicates get RoundRobin Group |
The result will have the following keys:
Key | Description |
interviewers | list of the interviewers |
jobloc_total | total of the localtion |
instructions | The instructions of the interviewer |
is_basic | true if the interviewer is the basic user, else false |
instructions_phone | Phone instructions of the interviewer |
name | Full name of the interviewer |
jobloc_ids | IDs of the Job location |
instructions_virtual | Virtual instructions of the interviewer |
avatar_uri | the Avatar URI of the company user |
user_id | id of the interviewer |
is_owner | true if the interviewer who scheduling, else false |
joblocs | list of the job location |
addr_1 | the address 2 of the Job location |
addr_2 | the address 2 of the Job location |
name | the name of the Job Locations |
admin1_name | the state name of the country |
jobloc_id | id of the job location |
city | the city of the country |
admin1_code | the state code of the country |
zip_code | the zip code of the Job Locations |
include_owner | true if the interviewers include owner |
rr_groups | list of the RoundRobin Groups |
users | list of the interviewers in a RoundRobin Group |
alias | Alias of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group |
area_code | Area Code of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group |
created_at | Timestamp of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created |
ex_source | Possible values include DEFAULT = 0, TENSTREET = 1, SMASHFLY = 2, WEBHOOK = 3, SENDOUTS = 4, APPLICANTSTACK = 5, ICIMS = 6, PCRECRUITER = 7, AVATURE = 8, CUSTOM = 9 |
fname | Firstname of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created |
id | Id of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created |
lname | Lastname of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created |
name | Fullname of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created |
phone_number | Phone number of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created |
slug | Slug of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created |
updated_at | Last timestamp when the interviewer was updated |
user_id | User id of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group |
group | infomation of a RoundRobin Group |
company_id | Company ID of a RoundRobin Group |
id | Id of Group in a RoundRobin Group |
name | Name of Group in a RoundRobin Group |