Get multiparty interviewers

Get multiparty interviewers


Calling the /interview/mp_list_interviewers endpoint with query params:

OIDCandidate Id
interview_typeType of the interview
jobloc_idJobLoc Id
load_joblocsFlag indicates get locations
load_rr_groupsFlag indicates get RoundRobin Group

The result will have the following keys:

interviewerslist of the interviewers
jobloc_totaltotal of the localtion
instructionsThe instructions of the interviewer
is_basictrue if the interviewer is the basic user, else false
instructions_phonePhone instructions of the interviewer
nameFull name of the interviewer
jobloc_idsIDs of the Job location
instructions_virtualVirtual instructions of the interviewer
avatar_urithe Avatar URI of the company user
user_idid of the interviewer
is_ownertrue if the interviewer who scheduling, else false
joblocslist of the job location
addr_1the address 2 of the Job location
addr_2the address 2 of the Job location
namethe name of the Job Locations
admin1_namethe state name of the country
jobloc_idid of the job location
citythe city of the country
admin1_codethe state code of the country
zip_codethe zip code of the Job Locations
include_ownertrue if the interviewers include owner
rr_groupslist of the RoundRobin Groups
userslist of the interviewers in a RoundRobin Group
aliasAlias of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group
area_codeArea Code of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group
created_atTimestamp of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created
ex_sourcePossible values include DEFAULT = 0, TENSTREET = 1, SMASHFLY = 2, WEBHOOK = 3, SENDOUTS = 4, APPLICANTSTACK = 5, ICIMS = 6, PCRECRUITER = 7, AVATURE = 8, CUSTOM = 9
fnameFirstname of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created
idId of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created
lnameLastname of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created
nameFullname of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created
phone_numberPhone number of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created
slugSlug of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group was created
updated_atLast timestamp when the interviewer was updated
user_idUser id of the interviewer in a RoundRobin Group
groupinfomation of a RoundRobin Group
company_idCompany ID of a RoundRobin Group
idId of Group in a RoundRobin Group
nameName of Group in a RoundRobin Group
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