Get history interview

Get history interview of a candidate


Calling /interview/interview_history endpoint with query params OID={OID} to get the history interview of a candidate

The result will have the following keys:

OIDlong_Id of the candidate
interview_historylist of the history interview
itv_detailscontains all information of the sub-interview when the interview history type is sequential
interview_statusstatus of the interview (pending, scheduled, in progress, ...)
scheduled_atthe scheduled time of the interview
interview_kindinterview kind (single, sequential, event, recorded)
interview_typetype of the interview
original_interview_typeoriginal interview type in case the interview type is a custom interview type
attendeeslist of the attendees
namefull name of the interviewer
emailemail address of the interviewer
phone_numberphone number of the interviewer
avatar_uriavatar URI of the interviewer
locationthe location of the interview
idThe ID of a location
namename of the location in case the location is a Google location
countrythe country of location
admin1_namethe state name of the country
admin1_codethe state code of the country
Citythe city of the location
latitudelatitude of the location
longitudelongitude of the location
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